AMP Episode 12 - Flight of the Navigator

AMP Episode 12 - Flight of the Navigator


Space music: awkward tunes that simultaneous encapsulate vastness and smallness... and perhaps an iota of abject terror with a star dust back beat. Or just esoteric jams for chilling on your space raft. We've got your space jam low down right here. No, not thaaat space jam.* We watched Flight of the Navigator. Compliance, pseudo safe space alien experiments (cuz children) and just what happens when Pee Wee Herman hacks a drone. AMP


© New Star

For a complete alien creature feature, visit Max's Creature Collection on Bog Leech. Then check out Awesome Toys in Flight of the Navigator via Dinosaur Dracula.

Also mentioned in this episode: The Major Tritone Progression in Recent Hollywood Science Fiction Films - Scott Murphy The Alien Messiah - Hugh Ruppersberg via Alien Zone

Supreme and extremely epic thanks as always go to our producer the amazing Matt Campbell.

*n.b. Never say never but at present we're calculating a requisite submission of at least 100 equally adorable pet pics to get that one on the list...

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