AMP Episode 24 - War of the Worlds (1953)

AMP Episode 24 - War of the Worlds (1953)


Gesundheit! We watched the original War of the Worlds and tried to figure out why these martians have such a hard time dressing for the weather. They've got the whole space travel thing pegged... couldn't they at least bring a sweater? A rain coat is probably too much to ask... WOTWFlagWOTWAttackWOTWMachines WOTWTapTapWOTWMartianWOTW_Arm WOTWGesundheit Mentioned in this episode: Technicolor Radiolab - War of the Worlds

Supreme and extremely epic thanks as always go to our producer the amazing Matt Campbell.

AMP Episode 25 - War of the Worlds

AMP Episode 25 - War of the Worlds

AMP Episode 23 - The Blob (1958)

AMP Episode 23 - The Blob (1958)